Blog 1


Goals for this week:

  • Assign jobs for each team member

  • Read and discuss "The Kitten and The Robot"

  • Decide which game we want to go with

Summary of the week:

    This week was a simple one. The first task of the week was to assign jobs to each team member. 

James Evans was assigned the jobs of writing the meeting agendas, and calling meetings. Devin Ryan 

was given the jobs of taking meeting notes, and contacting the sponsor, Ms. Beth, when needed. Scott 

Swiatek was designated as the group's blog writer. The group's next task was to read "The Kitten and The

 Robot," the book associated with the project, from beginning to end. Each group member then had to 

write feedback for the sponsor, the book's author. The final task was to decide which game the group 

wanted to work on. The group ultimately chose to go with option a, an XR strategy, time management, 

and puzzle game. The group then started spitballing a few ideas that could be implemented into the game. 

These ideas were not elaborated on as they may or may not be adopted. It depends on how Ms. Beth 

answers the questions the group has during the next meeting.

Goals for next week:

  • Write the first blog entry

  • Read through the book in its entirety

  • Write feedback for the book

  • Reach out to the o XR team

  • Come up with more questions for Ms. Beth (the project sponsor)

  • Come up with gameplay ideas for game options A


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